Our Food

Ari’s Pick: Chernushka Rye Bread
Special Bake for this weekend

Ari’s Pick: New Yorker Onion Rolls
An early September Special Bake

Ari’s Pick: Obama Buns
Perhaps our best breakfast pastry? Decide for yourself on Saturdays and Sundays

Ari’s Pick: Cabbage and Goose Fat Rétes
Special Bake of a super tasty, traditional Hungarian savory strudel

Ari’s Pick: Peppered Bacon Farm Bread from the Bakehouse
Special bake this Friday and Saturday

Ari’s Pick: Sour Cream and Dill Pogácsa
A classic Hungarian “biscuit” for breakfast, lunch, or dinner

Ari’s Pick: Marvelous Coconut Macaroons
A mysteriously Jewish and marvelously delicious sweet

Ari’s Pick: Fantastic Hungarian Flodni
The traditional Jewish pastry that’s made its way into Hungarian hearts